Monday, March 7, 2011

Politics, Diplomacy & War

Quite an interesting title eh
We often to dodge those parts of the paper or turn the channel when we see it on the news
but the days we live in don't allow us as Americans to do that.

With uprisings ranging from Egypt to Wisconsin it becomes pertinent to understand the mentality behind what is going on.
What causes a large group of people to unite and move in unison for a cause?
Those 3 in the title

And we live in a day where the everyday man is suffering more and more, one becomes more interested in the state of world affairs. But why does it take drama to do so? Here in the US, we thought President Barack Obama was going to wave a magic wand to make the problems of the previous president and yet we see otherwise. However we sling comments of what we think they should be doing yet we don’t even understand how are own political system works, how ironic.


As Americans we are spoiled and blessed (depending on perspective) In our embryonic existence as a country, we have had less than 5 incidents and even in our most recent attack (9/11) we were rightfully abhorred by the world looked at us and almost smirked. You see if you live in a city like Jerusalem war, “terrorism” and other things that can expedite death are a daily part of life. We are accustomed to sending troops to “go” to war but we don’t understand what it’s like when war comes to us. This may prove to be critical in understanding the psychology of other countries as civil unrest continues to break out.


A word that is thrown around and oft is the bridge between politics and war. Yet the human element isn’t understood and it often leads to war. Diplomacy of the 21st means being realistic in understanding people and the needs of the people and has the year goes forward it will be interesting to see in various countries how the “Big 3” (Politics, Diplomacy, War) factor into our daily discussions more and more, being economics or sports.


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