Monday, February 21, 2011

How Democrats are Pimping America

I told ya I was coming back for the Democrats

Now If you are under 35 and are Hispanic or African-American in a major metropolis chances are you vote Democratic if for nothing else it’s “the lesser of two evils” as many folks like to think of it.

Well lets go back…The “Dixiecrats” as they were known was for back in the 19th and early 20th century were and are known for bigger government. Meaning government has a bigger say in what goes on versus Republicans who want to mitigate government involvement to some degree (For those that missed my discussion on Republicans

During the times of slavery (You know that thingy folks want to wipe from the history books, that Black folks are being so “sensitive” about. i.e. “C’mon it was a while back, let it go, you got a Black President what more do you want!”) Democrats in the south fought hard to keep slavery! Why, it was economics mostly and then race! Yes I said it! That was not a typographical error! There is the inherent moral issue of enslaving another human being that is so beyond wrong I won’t belabor the point, but the South was making a lot of money off of the free labor of slavery, and well, the North in all of its industrial Revolutionary glory had better technology but no labor. Ergo, the Civil War! It was Democrats who provided the biggest fight to Black American progression in this country during that time, and in the early days of Jim Crow, which makes it almost ironic how the elders in the community fight so hard to vote Democratic, because they have the best interest of “the people” in mind! A dangerous broad assumption would you not agree?

Fast forward to the Great Depression, when President Roosevelt made things like the “New Deal” and created Social Security and the like to help the people and minorities have voted Democratic hook line and sinker since. I’ve seen heated family discussions over voting Democrat and Republican in Black households, which since I have gotten older, never ceases to amaze me.

Race? Why discuss it in the relation to politics, because people draw their political affiliations along the line of race guided by emotions. A Black candidate expects Black people to vote for him if he/she is Democratic and people will guilt you into voting for them, by invoking such tactics as Race baiting, if you don’t. A Black Republican is IMMEDIATELY perceived as a sellout and doesn’t have the best interest of “the people” in mind, however I digress! (Interesting though)

A good example of viewing the Democratic conundrum is the mayoral race in Chicago; two African American candidates, two Hispanic candidates and a Jewish candidate. There are those that say it is imperative to vote for the African-American candidate because they “have the best interest for Black folks at heart.” What does that mean; a vague and assumptive phrase that is based off of looking like me? Andre 3000, rapper with the group Outkast, best sums this up “Every Ni$$a with dreads aint for the cause, and every ni$$a with gold aint for the fall” Meaning just because someone bears a characteristic that is one way doesn’t mean they are. (And besides since when do people need the proverbial Moses to lead them out of a metaphorical wilderness in a time where you can Google information and foolishness alike?) Yet many subscribe to such assumptive thoughts and don’t objectively look at the facts and take the time to understand what it is they want and predicate their decision on that. (Go figure)

The Democratic Party on local, state and national levels have done an excellent job preying on the apathetic nature of minorities and comfortably assume they will have the vote of the people, based on such actions. Knowing how minorities have the predisposed urge to demonize and vilify the Republican party, make themselves the lesser of two evils, and hey, if they happen to look like me, then all the better? Appear with the people and make it seem like you are one of them, and you will get their vote? Sound familiar? The same Democrats that tossed a proverbial bone back in the Great Depression (1930s) but based on that logic, should we not be loyal to the Republicans because it was a Republican that “Emancipated” Black Americans? Even with a “Black” President, we expect that since he looks like “one of us” he will “look out for us”. Why? Define what “us” wants? Will we hold him accountable the same way we held George W. Bush? (Republican) Is it okay to fail the community because you are Democrat? Folks are predisposed to be lenient to Democrats because of these thoughts. And yes with the advent of Democratic leadership, we have had things like Medicaid and SSI, but also the wool at times has been pulled over the eyes; the retort being that Democrats at least did “Something” where as Republicans have not done anything lately. However in political results, you are as good as “What you have done for me lately?” (DUN DUNNA DUNN copyright Janet Jackson). Therefore it is incumbent on the voters regardless of affiliation to keep the accountability pressure on all politicians to ensure the needs and wants of the people.

The point of the discourse is that programmatic voting is dangerous. There is nothing wrong with identifying with a particular party because their ideals line up with what you believe in, however people’s beliefs are like the people in that they are dynamic and not static and one has to be ready to review them and adapt, as well as hold that group to accountability. Accountability in that if they don’t give you what you want, utilize and manipulate the system for what they are to be used for. A good politician is one that adapts to the loudest voice of his constituents. Make yourself loud, and heard, and if they choose not to listen, remove them.

In conclusion, as we are approach the first important Mayoral election in Chicago in over 20 years, bear this in mind, you have a voice, and it’s your right to use it. WHOEVER it may be, above all know what it is you want and find who works for you, and if they don’t work, you got 4 years to watch em and find a replacement.

And if they get irate… we got Egypt as a reference of how to handle that.


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